Articheck, the new industry standard: the most streamlined way to create condition reports
We’re pleased to announce that Articheck’s web app is officially live. The web app can be used on your desktop as well as any mobile and tablet devices. Yes, this includes Android devices!
To make sure you make the most of the web app, we’ve created a walk-through below of how to use it.
If you prefer to see a text-version, keep scrolling down!
How to access the web app
You simply access it from your browser by typing in and logging into your account.
How to create a report in the web app
There are two main ways to create a report: from scratch, or by bulk uploading through a CSV file.
If the latter, we recommend that you download our CSV template and copy your data into it, before uploading.
Updating your report
There are three types of reports: basic, standard and detailed, which differ for each media type.
Choose the best descriptive terms or combination of terms for the condition of your object. Create your own narrative using free text options or use standard terms for speed and consistency. Articheck can support everything from a shipper’s 2-minute report to a private conservator’s 300-page report.
These fields can all be updated at a later stage too.
You can create groups from your web app to manage your reports. For example, you could create a group for each exhibition or shipment.
Annotating images
Add images to your report and annotate them to highlight damage. If you are using the web app on your mobile or a tablet, you can also take a picture directly with your device’s camera.
Once the photo is uploaded, you can add as many annotations as you need.
Re-ordering and deleting images
You can easily re-order images and delete them as required.
Sharing your report
There are three main ways of sharing your report:
- Download it as a PDF
- Share it as a read-only through the web app
- Share it with updating privileges through the web app
We recommend sharing through the web app, as it’s more secure than sharing via email, and allows you to share large file sizes easily. To access the report, your collaborators or clients will be given access to a temporary Articheck account.
Update it from any other device
You can input new data from any other device, using the iOS or web app.
Your changes will be instantaneously updated across all devices
Articheck provides easy to use art condition reports and complete visibility of art in situ, transit, and storage, helping our customers avoid disputes, reduce liability, and protect artwork.