Social Media Masterclass For Art Organizations (Recording + Highlights)

Click Here To Download The PresentationClick Here For The Content Plan Template


There has never been a more important time for the art world to be present on social media. It is not only a way to connect with the public but maintain key relationships and develop new ones for future collaborations.


This week’s ArtEvolve Webinar speaker is Mackenzie Garrity, Head of Digital Marketing at Articheck. With 7 years of experience running Social Media campaigns and an Adjunct Professor in Marketing & Communications, she’ll be giving you actionable methods and strategies to run your social media strategy during COVID-19: 

  • In less time
  • With better content
  • While developing stronger connections


Strategy Foundations: Outbound vs. Inbound Marketing


Outbound Marketing (Old School): Pushes your product on customers.


Inbound Marketing (New School): Earn the attention of customers with valuable content.


“The average person receives more than 2000 Outbound interruptions per day!”


When creating a social media strategy, we should aim to take an Inbound Marketing approach to provide specific and useful content aimed at developing relationships, rather than interrupting the lives of our audience. 



Types of Content


  1. Brand Content. The objective of brand content is to communicate with your audience about your brand or products. Your brand or products are always the center of attention.
  2. Original Content. Original content is information or entertainment that is valuable to your audience. Engaging, not selling, is your primary objective.
  3. Company Content. Company content is about the organization itself and the people who work in it. Your objective is to make your organization relatable.
  4. User Generated Content. Content generated by users. This comes in two forms. Either you ask users to generate specific content or you search for unrequested user generated content.
  5. Curated Content. Any content you share that isn’t created by your brand or a user in your target audience.


Watch the recording for advice on creating all 5 types of content, including examples!



Content Themes


  • Holidays. Real world or internet holidays
  • Events. Company events such as exhibitions, parties, or openings.
  • Viral Hashtags. Hashtags that are already used on social media. Ex. #artistsoninstagram, #artshipping, #medievalmonday
  • Educational Topics. Create your own series of valuable content. Ex. #gettychallenge #bkmeducation, #ladieswhohandleit


Watch the recording for how to organize your content in an easy to use Content Plan!



The AIDA Model 

A – Attention. Make them stop.

I – Interest. Make them stay.

D – Desire. Make them want to act.

A – Action. Move them forwards. 



Attention Triggers

  1. Colors and Textures For Emphasis
  2. Movement
  3. Faces 
  4. Direction of Gaze or Hands
  5. Unusual Size or Place
  6. Unexpected Things


AIDA Example 1

AIDA Example 2



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